Why the Raw Til 4 Diet Causes Weight Gain (aka High Carb Low Fat + Raw Vegan)

Why the Raw Til 4 Diet Causes Weight Gain (aka High Carb Low Fat + Raw Vegan)

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Publish Date:
June 16, 2023
Raw Food Diets
Video License
Standard License
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PhD candidate uses studies to explain WHY the Raw Til 4 diet so often isn't helpful for weight loss, and can even make people gain a lot of weight. We know from scientific studies that HCLF (aka high carb low fat) diets are usually really good for weight loss--so why is RT4 different?
Press "show more" to see the study link(s)!
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- Study link & additional details: https://veganmiche.blog/2020/11/15/video-why-the-raw-til-4-diet-causes-weight-gain-aka-high-carb-low-fat-raw-vegan/

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