This VEGAN Raw Food Diet Influencer Passes Away But You Won’t Believe What Happens Next..😶

This VEGAN Raw Food Diet Influencer Passes Away But You Won’t Believe What Happens Next..😶

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Publish Date:
August 5, 2023
Raw Food Diets
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This vegan influencer who only eats raw fruits, sunflower seeds, smoothies and juice has dièd allegedly from starvation causing an absolute rift among people who believe plant based diets are not good for you.

Globe malaysia

39 year old Zhanna Samsonova aka zhanna d’art was known to have health issues, feeling exhausted and eveytime she was sent for treatment, she ran away.

Whie her mother claims she diēd from a cholera like infection, its later revealed offical cause is not known

Some took the time to cheer on the tragedy because the food creator was a russian citizen

What do u think?
