Keto Diet - Fad Or Fact?

Keto Diet - Fad Or Fact?

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Publish Date:
September 9, 2022
Fad Diets
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Standard License
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Does KETO Work Long-Term?

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The ketogenic diet is by far one of the most popular fad diets in the marketplace. In this video we're going to do a quick review on the pros and cons of being in ketosis.

We're going to be asking some fundamental questions such as, is it a reliable source of energy or not? Also, we will consider some of the immediate benefit and some of the long term downfalls of his fad diet.

✨ Chapters:
00:00 What is KETO?
00:40 The KETO Percentage
00:50 The Reliable Fuel
01:48 Kill The Cravings
02:00 The Cons
02:21 One Way Road
02:33 Macro Percentage
03:56 A Reliable Solution
04:41 The 80/20 Solution
05:11 Hunger Cues

đź’Ş About The Coach:
Coach JT Tapias, is a nutrition, weight loss and mindset coach, and is the creator of the Empty Your Bucket Plan. He has owned and operated gyms for 18 years, and during that time helped hundreds of people achieve their fitness goals in a healthy, SUSTAINABLE way.

With the explosion of online training, there are WAY too many fad diets on the market, and WAY too many online “Trainers” spreading ineffective, unhealthy “weight loss plans” to the detriment of people who truly need help gaining control of their health and fitness.

JT created the Empty Your Bucket Plan and has watched it transform the bodies and lives of countless people in his gyms. More people needed this plan than he could reach in person, so JT decided to bring this transformational program to YOU from the comfort of your home. As a former professional athlete and lifelong fitness expert, he has the experience, skills, and training to provide a premier coaching service to you with the convenience of an online platform.

JT says "I am as committed to you reaching your goals as you are. Let’s do this together."

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