Fad Diets vs Long Term Sustainable Changes

Fad Diets vs Long Term Sustainable Changes

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Publish Date:
June 3, 2024
Fad Diets
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Coming from a girl who has tried every fad diet in the book … health and long term sustainable changes will always prevail over fad diets.
I started ‘dieting’ around the mere age of just 12 years old. This was the era of Victoria Secret, Christina Aguilera and the ‘pressure to be thin’. (Living in Miami where it’s beach season all year didn’t help either). From low carb diets to counting calories to high fat diets and everything in between. I always thought the next diet would be my means to perfection but all every diet did was lead me to a never ending cycle of bingeing and deprivation. This led to major hormonal issues, anxiety, irritability, acne and fear around food.
What I learned was that being obsessed with food and dieting made me MORE preoccupied with food and turned it into the enemy. For some, food is simply a means of distraction when they are bored or a filler for empty times. For others it can be the ONLY comfort they have through a painful life. My eating disorders were triggered by my emotions and it wasn’t until I got my head clear that I was able to shift this within myself.
By no means did I overcome 10 years of this overnight, it took time and ton of ups and downs for me to develop the trust in food (and myself again). I found that when I shifted my thoughts and chose healthier foods, not because of the calorie count, but because how much better I FELT both physically and mentally it made all the difference.
When ‘looking good’ and ‘losing weight’ was my only motivating factor, it didn’t last long. When I shifted my thoughts to how great and alive I felt and made my decisions based on my lifestyle and enjoying myself is when my health became a priority and not a ‘chore’. You’ll find that when your thoughts about your eating & body begin to change, youll experience a more peaceful feeling, rather than the chronic background anxiety that looms with every food choice 🙏🏼
Do it from the inside out. Show up for yourself every day. Be realistic with your goals and transform your relationship with your body from wanting to ‘look’ a certain way to focusing on FEELING a certain way ❤️


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