Which Diets Actually Work? - Experts Say These 4 Are The Best Diets To Follow

Which Diets Actually Work? - Experts Say These 4 Are The Best Diets To Follow

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February 17, 2023
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➡️ This popular diet was voted one of the Worst Diets Again this year. Let's look why:
🟢 https://foodhow.com/keto-diet-food-pyramid-turned-upside-down/

Which Diets Actually Work?

Experts Say That These 4 Diets Are The Best Ones To Follow!

Every year U.S. News and World Report publishes the rankings of the best and worst diets to follow. Although the rankings of these diets have not changed much for the last 3 years, there are still many people who follow fad diets, ignoring the ones that are actually healthy and sustainable.

So, let's take a look at the top 3 best diets that have been firmly and steadily holding their top positions. These diets are not only considered healthiest but would also give you good weight loss results.

In first place, there is The Mediterranean Diet.

A Mediterranean diet has been crowned a winner for the third year in a row. This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole-grains. The Mediterranean Diet earned the first-place rights not only for its excellent weight loss results but also for its impressive health benefits, including heart protection, increased longevity, weight regulation, and much more.

Perhaps best of all, the Mediterranean diet is not expensive or complicated, so everybody should be able to follow it and significantly improve their health. Most experts consider the Mediterranean diet one of the most sustainable and accessible options because it is highly balanced and includes a lot of delicious and nutritious foods.

Sharing second place, there are the DASH and Flexitarian diet.

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, It is a long term approach to healthy eating that's designed to help prevent and treat high blood pressure.

The DASH diet encourages you to lower the sodium in your diet. It includes a variety of foods that are rich in nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Because the DASH diet is a nutritious way of eating, it also offers other benefits besides just lowering blood pressure. DASH diet is also in line with dietary recommendations to reduce body weight when combined with exercise and an active lifestyle.

Also, sharing second place is the Flexitarian diet.

Flexitarianism, or also know as casual vegetarianism, is increasing in popularity every year. This Plant-based diet claims to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your bodyweight and health with foods that are mostly vegetarian with an occasional meat dish.

And in third-place is the Weight Watchers diet.

According to Healthline, Weight Watchers point system recommends whole, unprocessed foods, including vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. No foods are off-limits. While healthy choices are encouraged, members can choose any foods they want, as long as they stay under their daily SmartPoints allowance.

Weight Watchers is not really a diet but rather a lifestyle-change program. Weight watchers plans include just-for-you recipes, suggestions for activities, and also science-backed mindset skills to help you change behavior and lifestyle as a whole. Weight watchers diet plan is shown to be really effective when it comes to weight loss.

So, these are the best diet to follow according to the panel of 25 of the country's top dietary consultants, nutritionists, and physicians specializing in heart health, diabetes, and weight loss.

If you want to know which diets were voted the absolute worst, then follow the link at the beginning of this description, or go to FooddHow.com Surprisingly, there are still millions of people who follow these diet plans because the get-slim-quick promises, and they are not even aware of all the risks and downsides that come with following these fad diets.

In this article, I will take a closer look at the diet that was voted one of the worst diets for the third year in the row. I will also cover all the risks and side-effects, and why you should stay away from this diet for good.

Check it out now! Go to FoodHow.com for the full article.

Jen Evansy