What Happened To Us After 4+ Years On A Raw Food Diet (80/10/10)

What Happened To Us After 4+ Years On A Raw Food Diet (80/10/10)

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Publish Date:
July 15, 2024
Raw Food Diets
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It has been over 4 years since we made the switch to a high carb and low fat raw vegan lifestyle. During this time, our diet has consisted mainly of fruits and greens. What happened to us as a result of it?

Did this diet make us protein deficient, fat, weak and sugar over-dosed? Or has it actually helped us to achieve weight loss, vitality and discover new levels of fitness? We reveal all of this and more in our latest video, which also includes our before and after photos.

FREE WEBINAR: Discover the exact blueprint our clients use to release 10-50 pounds without dieting, get off or reduce their medication and heal their ongoing health issues naturally.

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