Is this 27 Year Raw Food Vegan a Fruit Hater? Fruits vs Vegetables

Is this 27 Year Raw Food Vegan a Fruit Hater? Fruits vs Vegetables

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John from http://www.okrJohn from shares his opinions on how much fruit and vegetables you may want to eat on a raw vegan fruit-based diet.

In this episode, John will share his ideas and beliefs about the percentage of fruits and vegetables you need to eat so that you do not undereat or you do not overeat both fruits and vegetables, which are important for overall health and long-term success on a raw vegan diet.

You will learn how many calories you need to eat in a day and see a breakdown of how many pounds of fruits and vegetables it takes to achieve that amount of calories when you are eating a fruit-based diet.

First, John will tell you if he has a vendetta or is a fruit hater after eating a raw vegan diet for the last 27 years. You will learn why fruits and vegetables are important in a fruit-based raw vegan diet. you will discover why fruits complement vegetables and why both should be eaten.

Next, John will share his thoughts on the percentage of fruits and vegetables that you might want to eat if you are eating only fruits and vegetables and the minimum amount of vegetables that you should eat in John's opinion based on his experience and observations over his many years of eating a raw vegan diet.

You will learn how to eat a high fruit diet, a balanced fruit diet as well as an inclusive fruit diet where you eat fruit along with vegetables and other plant foods, which is the way John eats now.

You will discover why John expanded the kinds of plant foods he is eating lately, so you can learn from his experiences so you can have a greater level of success in the long-term by eating a raw vegan fruit-based or low carbohydrate raw vegan diet.

Finally, John will share his thoughts about eating a raw vegan diet sharing his thoughts on fruits and vegetables. Eat enough fruit and don't neglect your vegetables.

After watching this episode, you will learn the percentages of fruits to vegetables, and other foods you may want to eat on a raw vegan diet.

Jump to the following parts of this episode:
00:00 Episode Starts
00:40 I am not a fruit hater
01:14 I am for eating fruits and vegetables
02:23 The Ways I learned to eat Raw
03:11 My style of eating raw vegan
04:00 What I eat
04:25 I promote eating vegetables
04:50 My thoughts on eating less fruit
06:46 Percentage of Fruits and Vegetables on a Raw Vegan Diet
08:38 Ratio of Fruits to Vegetables
12:46 Eating 10 pounds of Vegetables is Difficult
13:00 How to get more calories from Vegetables
13:49 Why are vegetables important to eat
15:28 What does this look like in a pie chart?
16:01 Balanced Fruit and Vegetables
17:29 Other kinds of foods besides fruits and vegetables
18:09 Why have I adjusted my diet over time
18:50 I eat for my microbiome
19:37 Other healthy foods you can eat Raw
20:00 Check what you are eating on a
21:10 Eating Sprouted Beans
21:54 Blooming Rice
23:27 Sprouted Grains
24:15 Inclusive Fruit Diet
25:54 Am I against fruit?
27:04 Quality of the food you is critical
29:40 You are gambling with your health
30:12 Eat other foods besides fruits and vegetables

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link to spreadsheet so you can find the percentage of fruits and veggies you need to eat