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The issue of Candida overgrowth is faced by many people in the modern world and I was one of them.
Candida is a fungus that naturally lives inside the human body and can be found in places such as the gastrointestinal tract and bloodstream.
The problem with candida overgrowth comes when the body is not in a healthy state of balance (homeostasis).
Living an unhealthy life, including having an unhealthy diets such as the anti candida diet or low carb diets (aka Paleo) can cause an overgrowth of candida.
For example, having too much fat in your diet can interfere with the uptake of sugar into the body's cells and so cause a candida overgrowth.
I followed an anti-Candida diet for nearly 2 years, which was a complete failure. In that time I experienced severe cravings, fatigue, sleep problems, mental and emotional instability, memory problems, depression and was continuing to experience problems with a candida overgrowth.
I spent literally thousands on supplements, colonics, cleanses, super-foods, herb tinctures and other things with no positive results. I was really afraid of sugars and fruit and was limiting or even completely avoiding it.
Once I switched to the 80/10/10 raw food diet, my candida overgrowth that I had been battling with for 2 whole years was balanced rapidly, within a matter of days!
Watch this video to find out more about Candida overgrowth, why you should never go on an "anti-candida" or low carb/Paleo diet and how you can actually enjoy eating all the fruit you care for without worrying about Candida.
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* How to put the raw food diet into practice: "The Raw Message"
* "Deliciously Raw Dinners: 36 tasty and easy to make low-fat raw vegan savoury recipes to assist your detox, as well as weight and health management:
* Struggling to be raw, fit and healthy during the winter months? Discover "The Raw Food Winter Recipe Collection":
* Love fruit and traveling? "Your Guide To The Top 10 Fruitful Destinations"
* A parent or a parent-to-be? "Healthy Raw Nutrition For Children And Teenagers"
* Into consciousness, raw food diet, global shift of awareness and self-transformation? "The Spirit of Transition"
Wishing you abundant health,
Paul and Yulia Tarbath