How Long Does It Take to Heal on a Carnivore Diet? Timeline and Expectations for Transformation

How Long Does It Take to Heal on a Carnivore Diet? Timeline and Expectations for Transformation

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Publish Date:
February 15, 2024
Eating Disorders
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What can I expect when starting a Carnivore Diet and how long will it take to get results? I tackle these questions in this video- from the early days of transitioning to meat-based eating, what results you'll experience in the one month on carnivore, on to what to expect for long term health and healing results. From toileting habits, energy, skin conditions, blood sugar levels, autoimmune conditions, eating disorder recovery and more- I spell out what to expect and when.

I'd love to hear about your own healing timeline? When did you see noticeable results? What was immediate and what took time? Where do you still hope to see improvement? Let me know in the comments!

Ready to give Carnivore a try? Need support as you progress in your health and wellness journey? Check out the Carnivore Wellness Community!

If you'd like to join the Carnivore Wellness Community for ongoing support, accountability, and connection, click here:

There's a wealth of free resources available immediately to help you get started with the Carnivore Lifestyle right away- resources include a comprehensive Commit to Carnivore e-course as well as grocery lists, meal planning suggestions, recipes, and more.

If you'd like to add extra accountability, support, and group coaching to bolster your decision to follow a carnivore way of eating, you're welcome to sign up for our Monthly Commitment plan so that you gain access to 3x/week live zoom calls along with bi-monthly Book Club meetings geared toward helping support the personal growth that comes alongside significant lifestyle change.

If you want to try the 1 week free trial, click this link:

Stay patient, consistent, and curious! Optimal health and healing await!

About Me: I'm Rebecca, and I've been carnivore since June 10th of 2022. I became a Revero-certified Carnivore Health Coach at the end of 2022 knowing that I wanted to help others on their path to optimal health. My desire to find freedom from binge eating and food cravings led me to try the carnivore diet (after several months on a ketogenic diet). The food freedom was noticeable almost immediately. I soon found mental health healing as my long-standing post partum anxiety and depression lifted. I continued to experience improved hormonal regulation alongside much-needed digestive repair.

All of these victories did not come without my fair share of struggles and challenges- fatigue, weight gain, oxalate dumping, and deep personal introspection included. Being part of an online carnivore community was instrumental in helping me remain patient, consistent, and curious as I navigated my transition to this way of eating, which led me to start my own carnivore community with an additional focus on the personal growth that comes alongside significant transformation.

I now live an active lifestyle as a stay-at-home mom to my two young kids, while making time to lift heavy things, practice mindfulness, and hike the beautiful trails here in Eastern Tennessee. The healing impact of the carnivore way of eating has transformed my life for the better. My mission is to connect fellow carnivores together in community so that we can all encourage and support one another as we strive to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

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