Tthere are several fascinating eating habits practiced around the world. Here are ten unusual ones:
Balut (Philippines): Balut is a fertilized duck egg with a nearly developed embryo inside. It's boiled and eaten directly from the shell.
Hákarl (Iceland): Hákarl is fermented shark meat. It's buried for several weeks to months and then hung to dry. The taste is strong and pungent.
Casu Marzu (Italy): Casu Marzu is a Sardinian cheese infested with live insect larvae. The cheese is consumed with the larvae still inside.
Sannakji (South Korea): Sannakji is a live octopus dish served freshly chopped, and the tentacles are still squirming on the plate when eaten.
Fugu (Japan): Fugu is a type of pufferfish that contains deadly toxins. Chefs need special training and licensing to prepare it safely.
Rocky Mountain Oysters (USA): Despite the name, these "oysters" are actually bull testicles, usually deep-fried and served as a delicacy in some parts of the United States.
Surströmming (Sweden): Surströmming is Fermented herring known for its strong odor. It's often eaten outdoors due to its pungent smell.
Thousand-Year-Old Eggs (China): Also known as century eggs, these eggs are preserved for several weeks to months in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice straw. They develop a strong flavor and translucent appearance.
Escamoles (Mexico): Escamoles are Ant larvae harvested from the roots of agave plants. They're considered a delicacy and have a nutty taste.
Tarantulas (Cambodia): Fried tarantulas are a delicacy in Cambodia. The spiders are seasoned and fried until crispy.
These eating habits might seem unusual to some, but they are deeply rooted in the cultures where they are practiced, often carrying significant traditional or historical value.
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