Why Celeb Magazine Weight Loss Diets Are Bad (Brad Pitt, Kim Kardashian body)

Why Celeb Magazine Weight Loss Diets Are Bad (Brad Pitt, Kim Kardashian body)

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Publish Date:
May 27, 2024
Strange Diets
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'Like' https://facebook.com/RussHowePTI Fitness Instructor Russ Howe shows why glossy celebrity gossip magazine diet plans do not work. Being honest, most ladies would love a diet which claimed to give them a bum like Kim Kardashian or a figure like Jennifer Aniston, and tons of guys would love a diet plan to get them into Brad Pitt shape or help them build a musclular physique like Bradley Cooper, right? Magazine chiefs know this fact, too, however.

People commonly look out for celebrity diets that work fast, to lose weight for an event in two weeks or drop a dress size in days, but the truth is these diets are 99% hype and 1% results in the longterm. In this viedo, Fitness Instructor Russ Howe reveals why these diets never yield positive results.

Full post from Fitness Instructor Russ Howe here: http://russhowepti.com/why-celebrity-magazine-diets-do-not-work/

Each time a pic of a well known celebrity surfaces wearing a bikini and looking good, glossy magazines take advantage and feel it necessary to push 'miracle diets' at their readers, claiming insane results in no time and for barely any effort at all. This often results in 'yo yo dieters', who cut their calorie intake so much for these quick diets that they find they immediately pile their weight back on when they return to eating normal food.

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