Are You Addicted to Celebrity Diets?

Are You Addicted to Celebrity Diets?

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Publish Date:
September 19, 2024
Strange Diets
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'Like' Fitness Instructor Russ Howe answers todays question from Alice: "Help, I think I'm becoming addicted to celebrity diets in glossy magazines even though they don't work long term." In 2012 this is a common problem among many women looking for quick weight loss solutions.

There are a few simple, key reasons why these diet plans do not work in the long term and you probably already know a few friends who are seemingly addicted to bouncing from one routine to the next every month, following the latest trend or eating nothing but the latest super food according to the latest gossip magazine.

Today we show you why, in order to lose weight effectively and keep it off, you do do not need to punish yourself and cut your favorite junk foods out altogether, and we also show how to avoid becoming a yo-yo dieter by avoiding celeb workout dvd's which are released every Christmas and New Year. It's time to get real results in the gym, get your basics down on working out your daily calories, protein, carbs and fats from the other videos on our page and you'll notice how easy it is to blast the fat in no time at all. And the best part? Once it's gone, it's officially gone. More free tips from fitness instructor Russ Howe on our new Facebook page.

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