Unveiling the DARK TRUTH : Real Reason French Women Stay Slim

Unveiling the DARK TRUTH : Real Reason French Women Stay Slim

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Get ready to uncover the dark truth behind how French women stay slim! There are no diet secrets that French women live by or swear by that keep them from getting fat; instead, it's just two ugly truths. This video will explain exactly why French women don't get fat and why it is very problematic.

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#french #paris #frenchwomendontgetfat #frenchwomen

00:00 Introduction
01:03 French Women vs Parisian Women
02:00 Walking does NOT keep women slim
02:15 Intense Workouts do NOT keep women slim
05:36 Dark Truth 1
10:19 Changing Diet does NOT keep women slim
11:16 Dark Truth 2
12:36 Nothing to Romanticize & What to Do Instead

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