Understanding Eating Disorders | Eating Disorder Specialist Ashley McHan - The IPS Podcast

Understanding Eating Disorders | Eating Disorder Specialist Ashley McHan - The IPS Podcast

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Eating disorders are not about food.” - Ashley McHan

In this interview on The IPS Podcast Ashley McHan, a licensed eating disorder and trauma specialist sits down with Jellis Vaes, the host of the podcast, to talk about eating disorders.

Some of the Questions:

- What could you recommend as first steps to someone listening who knows they have an eating disorder or recognize they might be struggling with one?
- For the people listening who know someone with an eating disorder, or might suspect someone around them to have one, how do you offer help?
- Apart from anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, which other eating disorder do you feel does not get enough attention?

What You Will Learn from this Episode:

- What the difference is between anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.
- How past traumas and eating disorders often go hand in hand.
- Why it is so difficult to recover from an eating disorder and what to do against relapsing.

Show notes for this episode with all the resources and ways to connect with Ashley: https://theipsproject.com/2022/04/understanding-eating-disorders-ashley-mchan/

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Connect with Ashley McHan:

WEBSITE: https://www.ashleymchan.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ashley.mchan
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ashley.mccray.77
Connect with The IPS Project:

WEBSITE: https://theipsproject.com/
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INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/the_ips_project

IPS T-Shirts 00:00 - 01:07
Intro 01:07 - 04:58
Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating 04:58 - 16:43
(ARFID) Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder 16:43 - 21:47
What defines an eating disorder? 21:47 - 23:55
Ashley’s personal story and experience 23:55 - 34:08
First steps for those struggling with an eating disorder 34:08 - 48:00
How to help someone who struggles with an eating disorder 48:00 - 56:00
Social media 56:00 - 1:02:23
The final end question 1:02:23 - 1:05:38
End 1:05:38 - 1:07:17
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#podcast #mentalhealth #eatingdisorders