Eating Disorders impact people all over the world, and they can be incredibly difficult to treat and to recover from, both for patients, their families, and the clinicians and physicians who work to heal Eating Disorders.
ED's are also often misunderstood as issues that are just about food, and/or body image or weight.
However, at their core, ED's are generally about self regulation difficulties, and where do we first experience the root of self regulation or dysregulation?
Our childhood attachment experiences are where we learn what it means to be humans, in relationship to other humans.
Do our needs matter?
Do we know how to recognize our emotional needs and do we believe that we are worthy even when we are needy?
What do relationships with ourselves and others look like?
What should we expect from others or ourselves in order to be worthy?
We must eat to survive and our first experiences in the world as newborns begin with the need to connect physically, mentally and emotionally with our caregivers to receive the literal and metaphorical nourishment we need to thrive.
But, what happens when attachment wounds and parenting styles potentially create the perfect storm for an Eating Disorder?
Which Attachment Theory Styles are more likely to contribute to the development of an ED?
This video is about what the research indicates regarding the relationship between Eating Disorders and Attachment Styles, and how certain types of parenting have been shown to potentially contribute to ED's.
Is narcissism related to Eating Disorders?
What about attachment avoidance or anxiety?