🔥 [FREE DOWNLOAD] Get ready to ace your upcoming NCLEX exam: https://qdnurses.com/start
Stressing out about the Next Generation NCLEX? Then you’ve come to the right place!
This week, I share with you a hundred (and yes, I mean a hundred) NCLEX facts and statements that will help you regain confidence in your knowledge.
With these, you’ll never feel unprepared again. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about, since it took me three tries myself to pass the NCLEX.
Are you ready for the challenge?
It’s time to ace the NCLEX, so tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
Introduction (00:00)
Facts 1 to 20 (00:47)
Facts 21 to 40 (04:13)
Facts 41 to 60 (07:19)
Facts 61 to 80 (11:33)
Facts 81 to 100 (15:27)
Additional Resources:
🔥 [FREE DOWNLOAD] Get ready to ace your upcoming NCLEX exam: https://qdnurses.com/start
📨 Is there a topic you'd like to learn more about? Let us know at [email protected]
NCLEX Ready is a podcast by QD Nurses. Our goal is to help you pass your NCLEX exam with flying colors, get the job of your dreams, and become a successful nurse! If you like our podcast, make sure to follow us for more.
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